Our Philosophy

The soul heals through friendship.

You are a soul. It underlies and unifies every part of you. Each one of us yearns to feel and liberate the soul in order to live in tune with our true nature and give our unique gifts to the world. When we do, we experience a profound sense of connection, freedom, brilliance, creativity and a love for living in good relationship with all that is.

We believe that friendship is essential to this task of healing and expressing the soul. In the Celtic tradition, a special form of spiritual care existed where we cared for and nurtured the soul which was referred to as “Anam Cara” (anamchara) meaning “soul friend.” It was practiced by people with experience, skills of clarity, compassion, mysticism and a unique capacity for deep listening. In following the way of Anam Cara we can discover healing, wisdom, personal growth and a strengthening of our relationship with a Great Spiritual Divinity found at the heart of everything.

An Anam Cara is a person who sees into the heart and soul and offers guidance, reflection and strength. They have an ability to hear deeper truths, illuminate essential goodness and embody creative authenticity. This skillful form of companionship creates the distinct feeling that we are not alone, an experienced mentor is with us, offering us the help of their vision with an open mind and an undefended heart. Traditionally, an Anam Cara was present with others during transformational moments throughout life and near death. The responsibility of the Anam Cara was especially poignant at the bedside of the dying, the soul’s final frontier of transformation here.

As a collective of individuals following the way of Anam Cara we have been supporting others through the sometimes treacherous terrain that life brings in various ways; listening, sharing experiences, relating wisdom we have received from sacred friends, sharing in practice or silence, and seeking out guidance from divinity itself. Although we may share our personal experiences as a means of relating, we do not impart our personal spiritual / religious beliefs onto others. We support the soul in following the deep spiritual impulse within. Our aim is to support the soul in discovering healing, freedom, courage, growth, divine connection and creative expression. Historically, Celtic Spirituality allied with an indigenous worldview and saw the natural world as being imbued with goodness from the Creator, full of spirit to learn from. The way of Anam Cara is one that honours this mystical ability to hear spirit through the natural world as native and Indigenous teachings do so well. We also lift up examples of profound spiritual transformation towards becoming loving, compassionate, soulful, morally grounded and socially focused. We believe that can be seen in wise ones such as Jesus, Buddha and anyone who embodies these ways in their being. Celtic Spirituality holds these views and those who embody them, as friends of the soul.

The way of Anam Cara perceives the spiritual and the material as interwoven, in and through one another, inextricably interconnected. Practicing the way of Anam Cara moves us into to a mystical hidden wholeness, interconnected fulfillment and a creative life worth living. Together we are becoming Beautiful Spirits.

Our Mission + Vision


To remember the way of “Anam Cara”(soul friendship) and bridge the heart of the world through spiritual companionship.


We envision a world that honours the heart and soul as our universal sacred home, the place from which we move, relate and create. We picture a world that embraces the soul as part of the natural human experience and appreciates cultural, religious and spiritual differences in understanding this wisdom. We see a future where life is measured by the joy and courage of the soul because it carries our life’s greatest work that we take into the hereafter.

Our Core Values

Spiritual Autonomy

Each of us must stand at the centre of their own spiritual life to heal and develop a good relationship with the soul and the divine.

Getting to the Heart of it

The greatest insight lies at the heart of all things, where spirit can be found. We seek to reveal that beauty whenever possible.


As we grow in spiritual maturity it is natural to become more authentic, sincere and genuine in our being. We lift up these qualities as a sign of love.

Deep Listening

Listening is a patient, empathetic, whole-person experience that draws from thinking, feeling, sensing and intuiting.

Respect & Humility

We show respect to one another and the great teachers found in nature and throughout history. Humility is a sign of strength.

Transformation & Creativity

Life is a magnificent process of formation, transformation and creativity. These processes and their manifestations are precious and ought to be cherished.


  • We believe that spiritual direction and support is best offered by those who have travelled the landscape themselves. Our counsellors aim to encourage clients to strengthen their personal sense of relationship to the divine and help them uncover the soulful insights hidden therein. We lift up spiritual autonomy and personal agency, striving to come alongside and strengthen the relationship with the divine in whatever form and style it appears.

  • Some of our counsellors have designations such as RP / RSW which may enable individuals with insurance coverage to use their benefits. Other Spiritual Support Counsellors who have expertise outside of traditional academic institutions may require you to pay out of pocket or use a proactive healthcare spending account if you have one. In group sessions where a RP / RSW is present, clients may be able to use their benefits coverage.

  • We believe spiritual life is an innate experience to all human beings which means that various wisdom traditions have developed wise ways of working through the challenges and obstacles of inner life. Therefore, some of our Spiritual Support Counsellors have lived and studied within their tradition for a minimum of 10 years while other counsellors may have more familiar training designations (such as RP, RSW, CSCP). We acknowledge and respect native and Indigenous ways as well as eastern traditions that do not require governing bodies to certify their apprenticeship.

  • You can book a free consultation with any Spiritual Support Counsellor or meet with our Director to help you find the best fit. We also suggest you use your intuition while reading the extended bios of our Spiritual Support Counsellors. Our team members will happily introduce you to another counsellor who may be a better fit in order to support you on your sacred path.

Our rates

Spiritual Support Counselling

Online or in-person, this is designed for individuals to explore their inner life with a trusted other. Typically, meetings are weekly or bi-weekly. Spiritual support framework used in session varies by counsellor.

  • Spiritual Support Counsellor - Ranging between $70 - 90 / hour

  • Spiritual Support, Registered Psychotherapist (RP) - Ranging between $90 - 130 / hour

60 mins or 75 minutes per session | Get started
*Sliding scale available upon request
**Virtual, in person or nature-based walking sessions are available

Seminars for Practitioners

Online seminars and workshops will provide healthcare providers / clinicians the opportunity to engage with spiritual care concepts to enhance skills of integrative care for patients and clients. May include: guest speakers, small group work, experiential learning and Q & A with spiritual leaders.

Current Seminar Topics:

  • The Spiritual Dimensions of PTSD / trauma; Mystical perspectives and traditional indigenous healing approaches from South America and ancient Europe

  • Navigating Spiritual Growth Discrepancies in Relationships

  • Supporting Patients in Psychedelic Therapy, Spiritual Context vs. Clinical / Therapeutic Environments

  • Understanding Native Approaches to Emotional Healing: Songs as Mystical Medicine

  • Spiritual Kids, Embracing the Mystical, Inner Lives of Children and Young People

75-minute Seminar | Pricing ranges $50/pp - $700/ large group

Feel supported on your journey.

Reach out to us for a free 15-minute consultation call to discuss your spiritual needs and let us help find a spiritual support counsellor that best suits you.

No place is too dark for the spark of the divine to find you.

Cherish your path.